by William | Nov 4, 2016 | Random
Video Summery (Spoilers Ahead) What happened? El killed the monster by creating a portal inside the monster to the Upside down ripping it apart. She was then sucked into the upside down before it closed. El and Hopper met in the upside down on the way to the one...
by William | Sep 4, 2016 | Random
Battlefield 1 for non FPS legends is a 5/10 The short review is the game is fun for the first 5 hours or so but once the novelty wears off you are left with a game where people snipe you from across the map over and over again. Final Verdict is a 5/10. Battlefield 1...
by William | Jun 30, 2016 | Random
I made a new YouTube channel called William and Bird. I play lots of different games. Here are a few samples from my channel. Dishonored Guns of Icarus Overwatch
by William | Jan 14, 2013 | Random
by William | Sep 13, 2012 | Random
Fluffy my other bird was playing with my straw He was enjoying it. He uses his feet as hands. He really is living from foot to beak (hand to mouth) Thank you thank you.
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